Sunday, April 5, 2009

We have sprouts!

Beautiful weather this weekend! Makes me think I could get anything to grow. Almost bought some watermelon seed. (But didn't).

The lettuce is sprouting in all 12 cells in the seedling tray. All of the parsley has sprouted up as well. It's so good to see something starting to grow so soon.

On Saturday I planted 4 half-rows each of "Little Finger" carrots and "Easter Egg II" radishes out in the garden. Last year I planted the same carrots but didn't harvest them until months later, and they were too big and misshapen. They are supposed to be ready in 65 days; I assume that means after they begin to sprout up, which could take some time. I plan to start another couple rows of carrots in about 3 weeks. The radishes should be ready in about a month!

Got a couple more trays of seeds started indoors this weekend. "Sweet 100" cherry tomatoes, red miniature bell peppers, and alpine strawberries. The way the weather has been around here, I know it is a bit ambitious to try peppers, but since they are miniature they should be ready faster-the package says about 55 days to maturity after they get in the ground. I'll probably keep the tomatoes and peppers inside through mid-June if this year is like the last.

Hopefully most of the seeds are good and we will see everything starting to grow soon. I might have some extras to give away if all goes well. I started more than I will need in case there is a low germination rate.

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous that you can plant already!!! we can't plant anything outside until June first (frost warning) and I am just itching to get out there. I love garndening too! ( blessedbyGodx2 from caf)
