Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some Things Grow

My little flower patch of sweet peas, red runner beans, sunflowers, chamomile, new raspberry plants and one volunteer pumpkin plant. It is supposed to be my raspberry patch, but since the raspberry plants are new and won't fruit this year, I couldn't resist letting a bunch of pretty things grow too. Next year I promise to keep it clean so the berries can grow. This will really start to bloom in the coming weeks.

This is the same Oregon Spring tomato I showed in my last post. Look how it's grown! This type of tomato seems to grow one or two large tomatoes early, and then the following ones are small and round.
This is one of my Hungarian Wax peppers. It will begin to ripen yellow and will be fully ripe when red. Staying nice and happy up next to the house.

No pictures of the zucchini as they are refusing to grow. Been too cool I suppose. If they were planted up by the house they would be happier, but that is prime real estate saved for the tomatoes and peppers. We are still eating mostly peas and lettuce. I have lots of snap peas that need to get in the freezer today. I should pull out some pea plants soon to make way for my winter kale and brussels sprouts. But it is hard to pull out one of the only plants in the garden that we are eating from. What a strangely cool summer it's anyway! We are having a touch of sun today and I hope the zucchini are taking full advantage of it.

The tri-color bush beans are flowering and I did see a couple of tiny beans today. The purple beans seem to be growing a bit faster than the green or yellow. I am looking forward to cooking up some beans soon!

The strawberries are taking a little break from fruit, but I have seen some new blossoms so we will wait for the next flush. The blueberries are slow like last year, but they are growing. We will just have to be patient.