Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stepping Stones and Strawberries

We added 12 stepping stones down the center of the new raised garden. I plan to grow small vegetables such as chard, radishes and carrots between the stones.
I rooted around the old strawberry patch and found some "babies" to transplant into the new garden. There can never be too many strawberries for this family. You can see in the top right that I have made my first attempt for the year at seeding peas around cages. Let's see if it takes. It has been very very wet and also cold lately. High of 51 degrees today.

A welcome addition to the garden is our climbing dome. Its purpose is to keep the children engaged while I try to get some things planted, weeded and harvested. I'm sure the exercise will do them good as well. Once the children are grown, the structure will make a great trellis for peas, cucumbers or squash.