Miniature bell peppers. I'm very happy so far with the amount of peppers that the plants are producing. They should get up to about 2 1/2 inches wide and 1 inch tall, then start to ripen to red. The plants look really great with green leaves all around.
Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes are beginning to ripen. I've eaten a few, and toddler loves to eat them off the plant. Something about fresh produce that even gets a toddler to try some veggies. I am a little worried about my cherry tomatoes though. To my untrained eye, it looks like they all have some sort of blight. Early or late I don't know, but the leaves are turning yellow with brown spots. Hopefully I'll get a good harvest before the plants succumb to the illness. The Roma VF tomatoes seem absolutely untouched by the infection, even though they are right next door. I'm working hard to keep them from touching. Why my tomatoes would have blight, I can't figure. I used store-bought potting soil, brand new buckets, and always water at the base making sure the leaves don't get wet. We've only had one or two rain showers since I put them outside.

Another problem with my cherry tomatoes is they are falling apart! Several times a week I have found a branch snapped off and this week the whole growing top of one plant fell over and snapped. I salvaged whatever tomatoes were growing and brought them inside to ripen. Right now I am thinking that next year I will only grow determinate varieties of tomatoes. The Romas are determinate and it's not such a pain trying to keep them under control. The indeterminate cherries are just growing like crazy and I am having a hard time keeping them properly staked. I've been reading my Territorial catalog and thinking about which determinate cherry I will try next year.
SMR 58 Cucumber

Cucumbers on the trellis fence next to the green beans. Dill is growing right in front of them, just in case I decide to can dill pickles. In the meantime, we've enjoyed the fresh dill over salmon and it is so delicious! My plan is to plant more dill just in case it has time to grow. I'd love to dry it to have for the winter and not buy any at the store.

Cucumbers on the trellis fence next to the green beans. Dill is growing right in front of them, just in case I decide to can dill pickles. In the meantime, we've enjoyed the fresh dill over salmon and it is so delicious! My plan is to plant more dill just in case it has time to grow. I'd love to dry it to have for the winter and not buy any at the store.
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