My yellow Dwarf Dahlias are enjoying the summer heat. With any luck, they will still be around late into the fall.

These roses in the back just keep going. I haven't watered them once this summer. I'm saving the water for the veggies and more tender flowers. The roses are doing fine on their own.

Green onions, lettuce and carrots. This row of lettuce is still around because of the zucchini leaves overhead providing protection from the sun. I have since cut off a few large zucchini leaves to let the carrots get some sun. I enjoy having lots of green onions ready to harvest at any time. It seems like I green onions almost every day when I am putting together lunch or dinner.

The first red Roma tomato! The plants are weighted down heavily with fruit. So much so that I have lost a branch off of one. The fruit on the lost branch will have to ripen up inside on the kitchen counter.

I planted sunflowers and cosmos seeds a little late this year, so I'm still waiting on them. I know to plant them sooner next year, but hopefully we'll get some color out of them soon.

Oh look! There is one cosmos out front flowering! Can't wait for more.

One of our blueberry bushes. It's nice to have the garden rounding out to incude some more berries.
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