OK, so tomatoes in 5-gallon paint buckets doesn't really go with the idea of cottage gardening in any sense, but it's a cheap solution. I got them for $2.97 a bucket. The soil near the house is awful so I'd rather them be in store-bought soil anyway.
After the whole radish problem, I'm thinking container gardening with potting soil sounds great. In fact, I think I might just go try to grow some radishes in a pot. Any ideas on how to get rid of the little white wormy thing in my garden soil that was eating into them?
Other big news: We have two blueberry bushes! We sacrificed an old rhododendron for space.
I've put out some cosmos seeds and already see some popping up. They sound like a great flower. Tolerate poor soil and drought conditions! Once they grow I'll post a picture. They get pretty tall so they should help fill in some gaps in late summer and fall.
Things to do:
1. Pot the five miniature sweet red pepper plants and put outside.
2. Plant the basil in with the tomatoes.
3. Plant the alpine strawberry seedlings in the trough outside.
4. Pull out the dried up forget-me-nots and seed with asters and sunflowers.
Kim, I like that you can innovate to best suit your purpose. As you can see from my garden, different plants end up where they fit. I think my peas have protected the young peppers from cold and wind, and now the peas can be taken out (since they are pretty much done) to allow the full sun on the peppers. Well, time to go water. I almost forgot. Happy gardening. Dad